
物象化とは人間の活動の産物をあたかも人間の産物以外の何物 かであるように理解すること―たとえば自然的事実,宇宙の法則の結果,あるいは神慮 の顕現等々として理解すること―である。

ピーター・L. バーガー、トーマス・ルックマン著、山口節郎 訳『現実の社会的構成–知識社会学論考–』

[R]eification can be described as an extreme step in the process of objectivation, whereby the objectivated world loses its comprehensibility as a human enterprise and becomes fixated as a non-human, non-humanizable, inert facticity.

Peter L. Berger, The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge

I believe that all research productivity stems solely from human activity. No researcher is a research machine; every project is a social endeavor carried out by people. A laboratory should never be a paper-producing factory. Research is not something ready-made (though, admittedly, some may come close). We dedicate our passion, knowledge, philosophy, skills, and techniques to exploring fascinating scientific questions, all within the limits of our brief time on Earth. Above all, I believe that trust among us is essential to achieving anything meaningful. I eagerly look forward to enjoying and deepening the pursuit of science together with you.

[Contact info:]

Current students

  • Keiichi Morita (D3 at SOKENDAI)
  • Hitomi Tanaka (D1 at Kyoto University)
  • Akari Itoh (M2 at University of Tokyo)
  • Ryuichiro Isshiki (M1 at SOKENDAI)

Prospective mentees

If you’re seeking research guidance or supervision, please reach out to me with your background, research interests, questions, and a brief outline of your tentative career plans. I do not view students as mere workers; my goal is to mentor individuals who are passionate about pursuing their own inquiries and developing into independent researchers. My primary focus is on advancing scientific discovery and helping align your career plans with your aspirations. I am always open to discuss with you on-line or in-person.

Past members / visitors

  • Asher Leeks (Yale University, US)
