
Reprints are available upon request to my gmail: lambtani

  1. K. Morita, A. Sasaki, and R. Iritani (2024) bioRxiv
    How can interspecific pollen transfer affect the coevolution and coexistence of two closely related plant species?
  2. W. Godsoe, R. Iritani, A. Letten, E. Moltchanova, R. Murray, and P. Wacker (2024) Authorea
    Selection changes productivity over time
  3. R. Iritani* (2023) bioRxiv
    Site-suitability difference and the expectation of species richness difference in stochastic two-subcommunity models
  4. R. Iritani*, Ontiveros, Alonso, Capitan, Godsoe, and Tatsumi (2022) bioRxiv
    Jaccard dissimilarity in stochastic community models based on the species-independence assumption
  5. W. Godsoe*, R. Murray, & R. Iritani (2022) Oikos (Editor's choice)
    Species interactions and diversity: a unified framework using Hill numbers
  6. K. Adachi*, R. Iritani, & R. Hamazaki (2022) Communications Physics
    Universal constraint on nonlinear population dynamics
  7. S. Tatsumi*, R. Iritani, and M. W. Cadotte (2022) Methods in Ecology and Evolution
    Partitioning the temporal changes in abundance-based beta diversity into loss and gain components
  8. K. Katsuhara*, Y. Tachiki, R. Iritani, & A. Ushimaru (2021) Journal of Ecology
    The eco-evolutionary dynamics of prior selfing rates promote coexistence without niche partitioning under conditions of reproductive interference
  9. R. Iritani*, S. A. West, & J. Abe (2021) Evolution Letters
    Cooperative interactions among females can lead to even more extraordinary sex ratios
  10. J. Abe*, R. Iritani, K. Tsuchida, Y. Kamimura, & S. A. West (2021) PNAS
    A solution to a sex ratio puzzle in Melittobia wasps
  11. S. Tatsumi*, R. Iritani, & M. W. Cadotte (2021) Ecology Letters [bib]
    Temporal changes in spatial variation: partitioning the extinction and colonization components of beta diversity
  12. R. Iritani & S. Noriyuki* (2021; equal contribution; alphabetical order) Ecology and Evolution
    Reproductive interference hampers species coexistence despite conspecific sperm precedence
  13. M. Yamamichi*, D. Kyogoku, R. Iritani, K. Kobayashi, Y. Takahashi, K. Tsurui-Sato, A. Yamawo, S. Dobata, K. Tsuji, & M. Kondoh (2020) Trends in Ecology and Evolution
    Intraspecific adaptation load: a mechanism for species coexistence
  14. R. Iritani* (2020) Journal of Ecology [bib]
    Gametophytic competition games among relatives: When does spatial structure select for facilitativeness or competitiveness in pollination?
  15. T. Sato*, R. Iritani, & M. Sakura (2019) Current Opinion in Insect Science [bib]
    Host manipulation by parasites as a cryptic driver of energy flow through food webs
  16. R. Iritani*, E. Visher, & M. Boots (2019) Evolution Letters [Postprint] [bib] [talk]
    The evolution of stage-specific virulence: differential selection of parasites in juveniles

    NB: There are quite a few typos in the equations of the publisher-version, so you may want to look at the appendix to reproduce our analytical results.
  17. B. Ashby*, R. Iritani, A. Best, A. White, & M. Boots (2018) Journal of Theoretical Biology [bib]
    Understanding the role of eco-evolutionary feedbacks in host-parasite coevolution
  18. R. Iritani* & T. Sato (2018) Trends in Parasitology [bib]
    Host manipulation by trophically transmitted parasites: the switcher paradigm
  19. R. Iritani* & P.-O.Cheptou (2017) Journal of Evolutionary Biology [bib]
    Joint evolution of differential seed dispersal and self-fertilization
  20. R. Iritani* (2015) Ecological Complexity [bib]
    How parasite-mediated costs drive the evolution of disease state-dependent dispersal
  21. R. Iritani* & Y. Iwasa (2014) Theoretical Population Biology [bib]
    Parasite infection drives the evolution of state-dependent dispersal of the host



Misc, in Japanese

  1. 入谷亮介:インタビュー The Big Issue Japan 特集「ぷらす“数学”」432巻 web
  2. 入谷亮介:『夢中に楽しむ数学と生物学』 数理女子 web
  3. 入谷亮介:「僕は論文が書けない」数理生物学会ニュースレター(ブログ版
  4. 入谷亮介(2017):日本進化学会ニュースレター “150 years of The American Naturalist”「アメリカ」の学会を肌で感じて考えたことと、将来へ向けて
  5. 内海俊介,山尾 僚,鈴木美季,塩尻かおり,入谷亮介(2016)メタ解析から探る,植物―動物間相互作用研究の新展開(1).日本生態学会関東地区会会報 64: 9-12.
  6. 入谷亮介(2014) 生態学会ニュースレター、書評:沓掛展之・古賀庸憲担当編集(2012)「行動生態学」共立出版株式会社 292pp.ISBN:978-4-320-05738-8